Sunday, March 13, 2011

30 days and I See Results!

In the 30 days I've been doing the ChaLEAN Extreme, I have lost 12.75 combined inches. Five of that is just hip fat! This is a great program. I have to stress that this weightloss is almost exclusively from the weight-lifting portion of the program. I don't always do the aerobic portion and I have not modified my diet. I have a full-time job and two small children to feed. I am not making two meals a night. We always strive for nutritious options, but sometimes it's easier to make comfort food or a quick casserole.
I have no illusions that I am bikini ready. I'm posting these pictures because I see a big difference in a short month. I have realized another important thing. I can come to terms with these pictures because I know in my heart this is a temporary state. I am not mortified by the way I look. I am bolstered by the difference and can't wait to see where I'm going. My body is constantly improving.

I can't say enough about  the ChaLEAN Extreme program. The workouts are short 35 to 45 minutes. You do few reps 6-12 depending on the phase. You lift slowly. There are people demonstrating low impact modifications in every workout.  Chalene Johnson is so likable, you want to do it right. There is even a 60-year-old woman in most of the videos. SIXTY!. If she can do it, we can do it. This is a fantastic program for someone who is overweight or out of shape. My back is stronger. My legs are stronger. My posture is so improved I catch myself sitting upright in my desk chair most days. I feel good.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

This was a hard one

I try to update this blog on Fridays, but I had a hard time coming to grips with this one.
Last Wednesday, I turned 43. I'm almost 30 days into my 90-day fitness program (ChaLEAN Extreme) and was measuring my results, which got me thinking about where I was 10 years ago. I asked my dad to send me a picture from when I was 33, because (of course) I don't have any. Well he did, and I was shocked.
I don't even recognize this woman. No wonder I have so many extra fat cells and loose skin to contend with.
At age 33, I was not in control of my body. If I wanted to tie my shoes, I had to use my hands to lift my foot onto my knee. Shaving my legs was difficult. I had to turn sideways to get through some spaces. I didn't try on clothes in a store. If I thought the size was big enough, I bought it because it didn't matter what it looked like. I had no mirrors in the house that showed anything below the shoulders.
At 43, I have gone from not being able to do 1 "girl" pushup to doing 10 in three weeks. My back pain is gone. I am full of energy and motivation. I can't wait to go try on clothes.
I lost that first 40 pounds the hard way. Extremely low calorie diet and repetitive, boring exercises. Always hungry... always tired.
This 40 pounds I have the energy and nutrition support of Shakeology and the short, but effective ChaLEAN Extreme program.
If you are obese, I KNOW what you are going through. I know the doubts. I know how you look at slimmer people and think "He/She was already in better shape and I am. It won't work for me." Trust me, it CAN work for you. There is support out there from people just like you and me who have done it. Not hard-body fitness types... real people who have made the journey and want to take you on it too. You can log on to and sign up for a free membership. Log your workouts and progress in the WOWY supergym. Go to the message boards and find fitness partners at your level. Ask the nutritionist questions. Read testimonials from people who have gone all the way from obese to slim and muscular.
Let me be your coach and we can do this together.