Saturday, February 19, 2011

Two-week check-in

So two weeks into the 90-day ChaLEAN Extreme exercise program.
The first thing I have to say is MY BACK FEELS GREAT! I've been seeing a chiropractor for back soreness and muscle spasms since 1998. There were things I KNEW would cause my back to ache like gardening, lifting my toddler out of the tub, picking up a case of drinks or a full basket of laundry... Not now!
I've lost 1 inch from my waste and 1 inch from my saddle-bag area. I'm also getting that saggy-bottom look to my pants, but not quite ready to go down a size. I would probably have dramatic results if I changed my diet... but baby steps here.
I love the fact that the workouts are 35-45 minutes 5 days a week. That's a commitment I can carve out of my week. I'm feeling so good, I added a Zumba ab workout on one of my recovery days.
I honestly believe I wouldn't be dong any of this if it were not for the muscle energy I'm getting from Shakeology.  I just feel like I WANT to work out. I've never had this sensation before. Exercise has always been something I forced myself to do. Now, I look forward to my workout time.
Even better, my husband is doing it too. Of course being male, he's seeing results right away. He's getting muscle definition in just two weeks. We've worked out a schedule since we have one set of weights and someone needs to be watching the baby.
Our six-year-old wants to work out with us too. We've given him a set of 3lb hand weights. I've never had a role-model in my life who exercised. Maybe our kids will see us getting fit while they are young and never have to battle obesity like we have.

1 comment:

  1. I love that your son is wanting to work out now! My dad has struggled to keep a work out routine while i was growing up and when I was old enough to work out with him it has been a great way to bond with my dad! I love it and wish my schedule would allow me to continue to work out with him now that I dont live at home with my parents anymore! Keep up the hard work. You'll get the eating thing down soon enough!
